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Family Law Attorney in Miami, FL

Settle Your Divorce Quickly to Keep the Peace

Work with a Local Divorce Attorney in Miami, FL

Divorce can be a difficult stressor on your family. By working with a divorce attorney in Miami, Florida, you'll have a mediator to speed up the process and keep the peace. The Law Office Of Hernan Hernandez, PA can help you split your assets and answer any child custody law questions you may have.

Make an appointment with us today to speed up your divorce.

Work With a Compassionate Attorney

When Should You Call a Family Law Firm?

A family law firm can help you with cases related to your household. For example, you can call the Law Office Of Hernan Hernandez for legal assistance if you are:

  • Going through a divorce

  • Arguing a child custody law matter

  • Making arrangements for child support

  • Facing a domestic violence dispute

Speaking to a divorce attorney in Miami, Florida will help you make wise decisions about your family and future. Schedule a consultation at our firm today by calling 305-774-5702.